
  1. June 29, 2019

    Choosing the Perfect Christmas Gift of Diamond Jewelry for Your Leading Lady

    With Christmas getting even nearer it is time to start deciding upon the perfect gifts for the leading ...

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  2. December 25, 2017

    Top 5 Tips For Taking An Engagement Ring Selfie

    Congratulations he’s popped the question and you said YES! No doubt you will be bursting with pride and want to shout your good news all over social media, and of ...

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  3. November 20, 2017

    A Guide to Giving an Eternity Ring

    An Eternity Ring was traditionally given to mark a special anniversary or time in your life together, but many couples now gi ...

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  4. November 02, 2017

    A Very Merry Christmas Proposal – How to Plan the Perfect Festive Proposal

    Christmas is a magical time of year, a time of joy, a time for families and friends to gather together, and a time to tell those closest to you just how much they mean to you. So w ...

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